Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Bioshock Infinite (first impressions)

Never pre-order, they said. After the mess with SimCity it's madness to pre-order before the reviews are out (and the inevitable sales).
But with Bioshock Infinite I just couldn't wait - I was so confident that the game would be great and I just had to have it on release day. Even if the reviews were mediocre (they aren't) I would still have wanted to see for myself the game we've been waiting so long for.
The fact that GMG had such a good deal on made it a no-brainer for me.

First impressions? I'm not disappointed. Far from it.
I've played 3 or 4 hours - although I think I'm at about the point that most of the reviews describe as being "after the first hour" (I'm sneaking around and exploring everything, just like in the original)
The main thing for me is that it still feels like Bioshock. The setting is VERY different, but the creepy and surreal sense of danger, the period music (which somehow manages to be creepy too) give it the same atmosphere. I spent the first hour expecting to be attacked by splicers any second!
Maybe the start will be a little too slow paced for players who aren't already fans of the series - but I'm sure your average COD player would race through it in 5 minutes anyway (which would completely miss the point  IMNSHO)
The mechanics do seem improved on the original; it's more a slick FPS with precise and accurate targeting (using mouse and keyboard, natch). XBox controller does work OK too, but isn't precise and does seem to rely a little more on auto-targeting.
I'm particularly pleased that the action on a rail, which we've seen right since the first trailer 2(?3?) years ago isn't on rails - you do have full control and it works very well.

Obviously it's too soon to tell whether the plot will have the same depth, twists or lasting impact as the original (and it would be impossible to talk about without spoilers anyway) but so far I'm very happy indeed.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

The Witcher 2

Can't decide whether I liked The Witcher 2 more or less than the first in the series.
It's slicker and more focussed; while there are still plenty of fetch quests there was less aimless wandering about - I never felt like ALL my quests were at a dead-end (for more than a few minutes).
That said, the side quests didn't quite gel so well with the plot as the first game - there were definitely more quests that felt like an irrelevant (and unrealistic) distraction from the world-shaking events of the main story.
The simplification to the combat was probably for the better, I didn't miss the QTEs, but I could probably have done with more choice of weapons - I kept the equipment for most of the game. Maybe I just missed something major!

I think my real issue with the game was the constant nagging feeling that I'd missed something important about the plot. Characters were doing and discussing things that didn't make sense, like I was missing background knowledge. Playing a character with amnesia, this is probably realistic, but did give me a few "huh? What?!" moments.

Of course, the REAL reason I felt I was missing something was that I really was.
Near the end of Chapter 1, you make a critical decision under pressure and that completely changes the rest of the game - at least Chapter 2 has a completely different story, with different characters in a different location.
So you really do need to play the game twice (at least from a convenient save about 15 hours in) to get the full story. The decision I made was different to the majority consensus on-line; sounds like the choice I made had the better quests but was out of character for Geralt. I really didn't agree with that - I was happy with the choice I made - but maybe the story would have made more sense played the other way.

So I'm really torn about this.
In terms of player agency and meaningful choice it was great; to choose which side of a war to be on and for that to actually carry through the rest of the game is outstanding. Most games give you the illusion of choice then quickly force you back onto their pre-defined path, with perhaps just a few dialogue changes to reflect the decision. This was the real thing.
On the other hand, I'm kind of cheesed off that I have to play half the game again to get the whole story. I'm happy with the choices I made and the outcome - for better or worse, the story is told. I don't like having to retell the story.
I enjoyed the game and its mechanics, even playing straight after the first game, so (unusually for me) I am playing through again - which I guess is testament to how good it is.

At least... I was playing it again, until Bioshock Infinite was released... :-)

Friday, 8 March 2013

The Witcher (Enhanced Edition)

This is how RPGs should be done.
A fairly big, open, world - but not so big and empty you feel like you're walking for ever.
A main plot-line that drives the game and carries on throughout, rather than just being an elongated side-quests.
Side quests that feel like they actually contribute something - some are interesting in their own right, otherwise actually contribute to the main story in unexpected ways.
Plenty to do, without overwhelming you with a huge number of meaningless side-quests.

OK - it's not perfect.
I could, personally, have lived without the in-game sex scenes. I understand this is close to the original books and some were important and relevant to the plot, but much of it just seemed a bit gratuitous.
The combat, being objective, was really just a long sequence of QTEs - but for that still felt more engaging and satisfying than Skyrim.

I suppose the key facts are I put almost 50 hours into The Witcher in less than 3 weeks (compared to around 120 over a year for Skyrim). Having finished it, I then went straight into the (bundled) DLC for another few hours and am now moving on to The Witcher 2 - Assassin of Kings.
It's pretty much unprecedented for me to bother with DLC at all and I usually need a fairly lengthy break before playing sequels.

It's probably close, but I think this has taken the title of my favourite fantasy RPG from Dragon Age: Origins. We'll see how the sequels (and Dark Souls) compare over the next few months :-)

Friday, 15 February 2013

Max Payne 3

In complete contrast to Arkham City, Max Payne 3 is a game that does almost everything wrong, but it somehow works. The developers obviously had a very strong and clear vision of the game they wanted to build.
So we have a game that has:

  • Ridiculously excessive cut-scenes; felt like I spent more time watching than playing!
  • Massive over-use of visual distortion to demonstrate Max's drinking and drug-use
  • Completely linear game-play; absolutely no deviation from the pre-ordained path
  • An unpleasant and unlikeable lead character
  • A plot worthy of a low-budget Steven Seagal movie
And yet, I really enjoyed it. I didn't feel the need to go exploring a huge open world - it made a nice change to just shoot the baddies as the game lined them up. 
I think I'd probably get bored of it quite quickly - I wouldn't want to play too many games like this - but it was definitely fun while it lasted. Which is more than I can say for Arkham City.

Oh, and Max spent half the game looking like Walter White, so that was cool.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Arkham City

Well that was disappointing.
I loved Arkham Asylum and City is more of the same, but bigger and better - so what went wrong?

It's difficult to pin it down; where Asylum was gripping and addictive, I found City in equal parts tedious and frustrating.

I think my main issue stems from the more open nature of the game world and the inevitable side-quests that came with.
In some games, side-quests make sense. For as single-minded a character as Batman to be constantly distracted from his urgent and vital mission by (in some cases) trivial side-quests seemed out-of-character and just served to break the tension of the narrative.
This came to a slightly ridiculous head towards the end of the game. The story has Batman being forced (with strong encouragement by Alfred) to delay rescuing <spoiler> in order to <spoiler>
With missiles flying and time of the essence, I found time to complete two major side-quests and at least 3 unnecessary small battles.

I appreciate there's market pressure to provide variety, optional extras, mini-games and multi-player. There are always complaints on forums about games being "too linear" and then there's the need to fill up the "achievements" roster. I have my own thoughts on that, which probably deserve a post of their own, but I definitely felt it wasn't done in an appropriate way here.
How much agency do you expect when you're playing the Batman anyway?

As for the frustration, there were just too many battles with large numbers of heavily armed and armoured opponents. When enemies need a special combo to defeat and you're surrounded by regular minions it was very easy to get swamped. Again, in a game there has to be an element of risk - it can't be TOO easy, but it should take something special to beat the Batman - the approach here turned Arkham City and far too much of a stealth game.

And since when could Batman fly? OK - he couldn't quite, but the dive/glad mechanic was pretty damn close...

At the end of the day, Arkham City is a very good game. Excellent graphics, outstanding voice-acting and all the right ingredients for a 9.0+ AAA game.
But for me it just didn't quite work and didn't feel like Batman.

Thursday, 7 February 2013


Finished Antichamber last night (well, actually it was this morning...) so can comment properly - just in case you're undecided. Did you notice I was up past midnight playing it?!

As all the other, proper, reviews say, Antichamber kind of defies description. Portal really is the closest match - it's a 3D puzzle game where you don't know what's going on half the time. But the puzzles are (mostly) completely different in approach - it's usually about figuring out what to do (or chancing on it by accident) rather than using fine mouse/keyboard skills to actually do it.

It's the puzzles where you DO need to carefully build complex constructs from coloured blocks that Antichamber does occasionally cross the line from challenging to frustrating. The controls aren't quite precise or predictable enough to match the design of the puzzles, having to restart a lengthy process right at the end through no real fault of your own is never nice.

On the whole, though, the game is outstanding. It takes an hour or two to get into - it really does challenge all of your assumptions about reality and causality as well as those about how 3D games work. Look up, look down, turn around, walk backwards, you can never assume that nothing has changed in a bizarre way.
That makes it fun, makes it challenging and ultimately worth your time and money.

I should also note it took me a LOT longer to finish than you might expect from the reviews, Reddit or
General consensus seems to be about 6-8 hours; it's difficult to be accurate (my Steam play-times are inaccurate due to playing offline and my tendency to leave games on pause for hours) but I reckon it took memore like 12-14 hours to find every exit of every room. Maybe I was just rubbish at it (no "maybe" about it!)...

Monday, 4 February 2013

Antichamber - First Impressions...

Weird. Very weird. After an hour I don't really know what's going on yet.
It's certainly interesting, challenging and graphically original - but so far I'm struggling.
I think the issue I have with it is that it doesn't give you any feedback at all on how well you're doing.
That's obviously a deliberate design choice and part of the artistic style of the game.

It's laudable that the game is trying to do something different, much like Dear Esther I'm prepared to be more forgiving of a game that tries to do something new - but I have to admit it's not doing much to pull me in  and encourage me to play. I'm not even entirely certain I've found any of the "puzzles" yet, much less solved them.

I'm far too stubborn to give up (especially since it was relatively expensive for an indie game), so hopefully I'll get more of a grip on things. In the meantime, I'll probably be playing Max Payne 3...

Update: After a bit more play over lunch, I found a couple of things I'd missed (much like the other reviews say, it's a game that benefits from the occasional break). So I've now {SPOILER} and {SPOILER} and have gone from amused bewilderment to definite recommendation!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Metro 2033

Metro 2033 is one of those games that feels like more than the sum of its parts.
Really, it's just a fairly basic FPS - the engine is competent but not outstanding, the graphics are decent but nothing particularly special and the script / voice-acting is fairly average (the NPC barks are extremely repetitive and annoying)
But... somehow it all works and is really enjoyable. Perhaps it's the fairly unique setting, the unfamiliar weapons and the creepy atmosphere, but somehow Metro sucked me in in a way that not many FPS style games do. It's not BioShock or Half-Life 2, but it's WAY ahead of CoD and all the various clones/competitors.
Particularly the first half of the game, which involves a lot of creeping around in the dark, was extremely tense and enjoyable - it went down hill a bit for me in the latter part of the game where the weapons power up a bit and all of the ammunition you've been saving starts to blaze, but it was still fun.
I also liked the ending, and bonus points for letting me reload and see the alternative ending without resorting to YouTube!

I got this as part of the Humble THQ Bundle (and another copy free from a Facebook give-away); in terms of marketing these deals served their purpose brilliantly (not that it helped THQ) as I'll certainly be looking out for the sequel if/when it's released...

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Ooooh - it's still here!

Two years ago I was just starting an exciting new role - I was enthusiastic and gung-ho.
I said at the time I didn't expect to keep the blog up for long, but I thought it would be more than 6 posts.
You can tell from the dates of the posts how quickly I became disillusioned with the job, when the enthusiasm began to feed as I realised exactly what I'd walked into...

Anyway, less than year later I'd left the company to go do something completely different - and since then I've been kinda busy!

Anyway - I've been feeling the need to blog again. Sometimes Twitter and Facebook updates are just too short for what I want to say. On top of that, most of what I want to post is more personal-diary and not really of interest to anyone else :-)

So I've changed the strap-line (a bit) and I doubt I'll be talking much about the Software Development Life-Cycle or Agile processes... At the very least I'm planning to keep track of the video games I play this year... :-)

Update: I've now get a short review of all the games I've finished recently. These are really just for me so don't expect great writing or incisive criticism :-)

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Far Cry 3

I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed every second of Far Cry 3.
Yes, there are issues with the plot, particularly in the second half and the very end.
Yes, most of the characters (including the player character) are obnoxious morons.
But I just found it to be so much fun!

The graphics are outstanding - playing at "Ultra" on my laptop (at around 35 FPS) you could see every blade of grass and every palm frond; Rook Island is a truly beautiful place.
While there are a few too many "fetch the items" quests, I genuinely enjoyed hunting down all the relics and (in particular) lost WWII letters - it's very rare for me to bother 100%-ing a game, but with Far Cry 3 it was a pleasure.
I also enjoyed capturing the enemy bases - whether sniping from the hills, sneaking in with a silenced SMG or storming in guns a-blazing.

There were one or two frustrations:

  • Limited weapon capacity early on feels a bit forced and frustrating - although it does encourage you to go hunting for upgrades, which I might not have bothered to do otherwise.
  • Some of the watch-towers seem unnecessarily frustrating to climb
  • It can occasionally be difficult to find the cave entrances when you know a relic is hiding nearby.
Oh and I didn't really like the ending.

Last sentence has to go to Vaas Montenegro, who started off looking very much like he was going to be the annoying standard gangster character, but turned out to be a genuinely entertaining and memorable psycho!

Friday, 11 January 2013

From Dust

I really wanted to like From Dust, I very much wanted it to be a modern Populous.
Sadly, there's just not enough to it; the first couple of levels introduce your divine powers - the ability to shape the land to help your tribe repopulate the ancient islands - thennnnnn, that's it.
A couple of minor variations on the same theme (e.g. building rock from lava) but nothing that really adds any depth or complexity.

In fact, therein lies the biggest problem with From Dust. There isn't really much room for interpretation, style or doing things your own way. As far as I could tell, there's one right way to do each level (certainly the later ones) and if you don't get off to the correct start, you're essentially fighting a doomed rearguard action. There's no scope for valiant recovery with imaginative use of your powers and snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. Which is a shame.

The unlocked "challenge" levels don't add much more, just shorted timed challenges along the same themes - these are more honest in the fact that they're just puzzles.

All in all, it's just too shallow and too short - more of an experimental puzzle game than a true god/strategy.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Dear Esther

Dear Esther was a very, very interesting game. If game is the right word, which it probably isn't.
I do like games that try to do something different, something imaginative or unusual - anything leading away from Call of Duty XVII... and Dear Esther certainly does that.

Dear Esther tells the story of someone exploring a Hebridean island while reciting from a letter to the eponymous Esther. As you explore the island (mostly just by walking forwards and looking at the pretty scenery) the back story is gradually revealed through the semi-random snippets of monologue.

So there's no real game-play, as such, and it takes maybe 2 hours to get to the end - in some respects it's not much more than a glorified engine demo.
On those grounds, I couldn't really recommend spending £6.99 on it, but it is intriguing and strangely compelling for the short time it lasts. While I couldn't recommend buying it at full price it's certainly worth spending a couple of hours on someone else's copy!

Monday, 7 January 2013


One of the best games I've played on a long time, I thought Dishonored was a truly outstanding game.
While the plot was fairly predictable, the fantastic setting and outstanding voice acting made the whole game feel truly big-budget.
Similarly, the open-world approach to the missions and the imaginative range of special powers made for an atmospheric blend of tension and sudden violence that was great fun from start to finish.

One criticism that I've seen levelled at Dishonored is that it's too short. I find that a bit strange - maybe if you blitzed through it with crossbows blazing you could finish pretty quickly, but that would be missing the point.
I played with a mostly-stealth approach, but without going for the extreme pacifist achievements and I clocked around 24 hours over a week - collecting most items without being a completionist.
I guess I'm lucky that I can afford to buy new games fairly regularly - but I would much rather play a short, perfectly formed, game than something padded out just to make it longer (looking at you, Skyrim)
And 24 hours isn't exactly short.

So if you're worried about value for money, don't be. If you're not a fan of stealth games, neither am I - Dishonored is definitely worth playing (although it might be worth waiting for the next Steam sale as it was 50% off at Christmas...)